Thursday, June 6, 2013

I would like to thank The Academy!

I got nominated for Leibster! Thanks Getz!! :-)  So for my SECOND post today, I'll answer her questions!

1.  Which do you prefer - cardio, weights or yoga? Depends on the day... either cardio or weights. Usually I feel like I've accomplished more after cardio, but I do love weights.

2.  What is your favorite movie of all time? That's like asking a mom to pick a favorite kid. You love them all! Here are some of my faves though... 

This movie was the first time I remember loving music... it's a special one to me

3.  If you could pick a super power, which one would you choose? I would want to read people's mind... which I know might be a bad thing. I'm just very curious about how people's brains work. Either that or the ability to cure cancer.

4.  Name an item on your bucket list! Visit Ireland! It's the land of my people. And incredibly hot accents.

5.  Why did you originally start blogging? To keep my lazy self accountable. And because I've been so inspired by people that blog that I want to hopefully be able to do the same for someone some day. 

6.  What was you first car? Dear Lord... a 97 Ford Contour... dark green 

7.  What is you ideal vacation? A Cruise! One where all the parts of the ship work. 

8.  Which do you prefer - beer, wine or mixed drinks? Mixed drinks. Mix that shit up so I can't taste it. 

9.  What would you choose for your last meal? Dessert. Of all kind. Cake. Ice Cream. Chocolate covered chocolate. 

10.  Are you a dog or cat kind of person? DOG! Cats are from the devil and I hate them. Except Grumpy Cat... but only because he is funny and reminds me of my brother. 

11.  What is your favorite season and why? Fall. I love the weather change. And it's always easier to get used to the cooler weather than the humidity.

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