Friday, June 14, 2013

Five on Friday!

     Hey People!! I'm trying this 5 of Friday thing... let's see how it goes!

1. I HATE watching movies, tv shows, specials or anything that makes me cry... I'm not a cute crier. I have an ugly face cry. And it seems like I cry at the drop of the hat when it comes to stuff with kids or parents or puppies or anything... so I just avoid them. This works out for Hubby because I would pick an action movie over a chick flick any day!

2. I have two puppies that are like my kids. I love on them, they sleep in my bed, and I ugly cried when my baby girl got surgery. I thought pet people were kind of crazy... until I got my girls. I cannot imagine being without them. I WILL be a basket case. The end.

3. If I feel pressured to do something, I tend to go in the opposite direction. Like you're pressuring me to wear red? While by God, I'm gonna wear green. Or if hubby is pressuring me to work out, I may still work out, but I'm gonna be pissed about it. Sometimes it's a great trait (peer pressure did NOT work on me) and sometimes it's rather annoying. Both for me and the people around me.

4. I play church league softball with my husband and brother in law. I loved softball when I was younger and I love getting to play now. But we play with boys and girls, so I usually get stuck in the outfield because I'm a girl. But that's okay. Playing is playing.

5. I'm obsessed with pictures. I have pictures in every room of my house except the bathrooms. Because there isn't room in there. I have several large picture frames with collages... I have at least two pictures of every end table... I even have pictures up in the ping pong room. These are all pictures of friends and family. And I keep lots of photo albums and a box full of pictures. My goal is to one day get them all organized into albums with captions. And my plan from here on out is to make a family yearbook for our little family. Hopefully that will keep it somewhat under control. 


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