Thursday, April 4, 2013

The freakin' scale... Bleh!

Today I want to talk about staying motivated. I have a really hard time with this issue before. Sometimes I think to myself "self, you've lost this much weight.. and you still have so much more to go. How can you keep this going? What's even the point? I'm tired, I just want Pizza Larry's (or Larry's Pizza for those who don't speak the native language of my niece)" I get so down on myself sometimes. And my end goal can seem incredibly overwhelming. It feels like I won't ever get there. Especially when I ate good yesterday, got in a workout, and woke up to a big fat +2 on the scale. 

But as much as I would like to give myself a free pass to eat whatever I want, I can't do that. Because as bad as that number on the scale made me feel today, if I kept eating how I use to eat, that +2 would become a +20 real quick and in a hurry. And the progress that I've made on my body can be easily reversed. God didn't make me one of those people that can eat anything and stay the same weight forever. God made me the kind of person that can look at fries and gain weight. But he made me that way and gave me blessings in other ways. My skin is great. I do have a pretty athletic build. My features are pretty proportionate. My weight is my struggle. And I'm strong enough to handle it. 

I'm strong enough to control it. And strong enough to see all the good in myself despite the +2 on that scale. And know that my determination is about so much more than a number on a scale. Or a pant size. Or how I look compared to my friends. Or all those things that use to matter so much. Because truth is, I eat healthier than most of them. And work out more than most of them. And because their struggles are just different than mine. I can't compare myself to others, only myself to me. And to the old me. And looking back makes me feel pretty damn good about what I see now. 

Good enough to purchase some pink pants, damnit. :) 

Here's my shopping update I promised a few days ago.
Pink Capris and a Grey and white polka dotted button up

Pink shirt to wear with a coverup at school or at the beach this summer
My mint green and white lace Easter Dress- LOVE. It's cuter on the person


The Feel Goods

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