Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Our Hateful Fridge/ Weekend Run Down

Good Tuesday everyone!

I meant to make a post yesterday, but when I got home (after a trip to Wal Mart and Walgreens) we figured out that our fridge had gone out again. This is the 4th time since we bought our house in July. Luckily, it's under warranty. And luckily the Hubby is all manly and such and was able to fix it. And saved all our groceries. He did this while I was on the phone with the warranty company who told us it would be the 10th before anyone got to us. I then asked them what I was supposed to do with all my food and what I was supposed to eat for ten days.... they didn't really have an answer. So HA! In your face home warranty people- my Hubby rocks.

Here is our weekend run down...
Friday- wake up at 10:30 (no school-HOLLA!) eat (healthy chicken nachos), watch NCIS, nap, NCIS, nap, and a softball game. I love love LOVE softball. I played for a long time and it's one of my biggest regrets of high school because I quit playing before I could play for the school. Anyway, we now play on a co-ed softball team with my brother in law. It's tons of fun and it feels good to play again. :)

Saturday- SHOPPING! We went with our friends Jennifer and Alex to Monroe (home of the Robertsons from Duck Dynasty). It's the closest place to us with a mall. And let me tell you- I racked up. Pictures to come tomorrow. We also had yummy frozen yogurt. It's not on my food plan... but it was amazing. Moderation people, moderation.
Excaliber- if you've seen the episode where uncle Si goes and plays games and spends money--- this is the place!

Sunday- Easter Sunday. I got all prettied up in my new mint Easter dress and then the bottom dropped out of the sky. My hubby dropped me off by the doors all day long so I didn't get soaked. I don't know if he was just being sweet, or realized that I had on a relatively light colored dress and didn't want everyone seeing me in all my glory. Either way, it was sweet. The rest of the day included a grocery run (complete with 6lbs of broccoli...), cleaning house, doing laundry, and The Walking Dead. I was happy with the season finale- no one that I just loved died. As long as Daryl, Machone, and Carl are still around, I'm good.

Yesterday, after the amazing fridge recovery of 2013, we ate and then headed to the gym 40 minutes before it closed. I got in a decent 30 minute cardio workout. 30 minutes is better than nothing!

Look for pictures of my amazing new outfits tomorrow. Until then, be happy and healthy!


The Feel Goods

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